Regional cooperation:

Interview with the Executive Director Aleksandra Tomanic for EurActiv Serbia
Interview with the Executive Director Aleksandra Tomanic for EurActiv Serbia

The process of democratisation and Europeanisation is not possible without the Western Balkan civil society
Representatives of the European Fund for the Balkans’ (EFB) and its Balkans in Europe Policy Advisory Group (BiEPAG) took part in the meetings

The Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans (CSF WB) will present its policy inputs and recommendations at the Western Balkans Summit in Poznan
The Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans (CSF WB) as an intiative coordinated by the European Fund for the Balkans will be part of this

EFB at Impact 2019 Conference, February 19-20, 2019, Belgrade
After Impact 2018, the European Fund for the Balkans supported the organization of the second 2019 edition of this conference (February 19 –

Wieslaw Tarka, Coordinator of the Poznan Summit: It is important to listen to the civil society
The Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans roundtable “Looking forward to Poznan Summit” took place yesterday in Belgrade. It was an

22.01.2019 Regional cooperation
CSF roundtable discussion “Looking forward to Poznan Summit”,January 24, 2019
European Fund for the Balkans as a coordinator of the work of the Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkans in close cooperation with the European

09.07.2018 Regional cooperation
Western Balkans Summit: Civil Society at the Foreign Ministers' Conference
In the framework of this year’s Western Balkans Summit in London, the Foreign and Commonwealth Office (FCO) has organised the Foreign

The London Summit topics (3): Legacy Issues
Solving Open Issues in the Western Balkans – Civil Society’s Standpoint
The extremely slow pace of bilateral disputes

The London Summit Topics (2): Gender Issues
Gender Equality in the Western Balkans: In Search of New and Inclusive Policies
The policy brief Gender Equality in the Western Balkans: In

The London Summit topics (1): Economic Stability Issues
Digital Frontier – A Way Forward
Europe faces a number of challenges that can be overcome only by an innovative, digitally savvy and

Ensuring the impact of the Western Balkans civil society on the regional processes
The idea of participatory democracy pertains to involvement of the civil society – think tanks, activist organisations and other actors –

The Civil Society Forum – Preparation of the London Summit
Representatives of regional think tanks and activist organizations gathered on April 26 and 27 in Vienna, as part of preparation of the 2018 Western

Civil Society Forum of the Western Balkan Summit Series in 2018
Preparations for the London Summit
In its continuing efforts to contribute to attainment of the Berlin Process goals, the Civil Society

Open Call for contributions via Online Consultations Process and for participation in the Working Groups Meeting in Vienna
Aiming to add concrete value to discussions and proceedings of this year’s London Summit in July, the Civil Society Forum will prepare the CSF

Policy hackathons #BalkanConnect2018 in Skopje and Pristina
Two policy hackathons #BalkanConnect2018 took place in Skopje and Pristina on March 8-11. New, interesting concepts of web sites, social networks and

Policy hackathon weekend in Belgrade
Regional policy hackathons #BalkanConnect2018 continued this weekend in Belgrade. For two days, teams were designing digital platforms that should

Policy hackathons #BalkanConnect2018 have begun
The first of four competitions in ideas for the best digital policy tool that should deal with the problems faced by the region took place in

Policy hackathons #BalkanConnect2018 - Open call
As part of marking the first 10 years of its work, the European Fund for the Balkans is organising policy hackathons -- #BalkanConnect2018 -- in

The new season of Vicinities starts today
The first episode of the sixth season of regional television show "Vicinities" will premiere today. Twelve new episodes will address topics such as

Civil Society Forum recommendations as part of the Western Balkans Summit Declaration
In result of the efforts of the Western Balkan civil society to contribute to Europeanisation of the region and to regional cooperation, the Civil