The theme of the third episode of “Vicinities” is the “Vicinities through caricature”. The caricatures of the famous cartoonists in the region over the past 20-30 years can be considered as a short history of the region. What is perceived as caricatural in the region and what is only inspiring for the caricature making, what was done and what could have been done. The caricature as a journalistic genre or a historical document, whether a good cartoonists needs to live in a time of distorted values is the question to which the renowned cartoonists are trying to give the best answer. Davor Stambuk, Mirza Ibrahimpasic, Dragan Popovski and Marko Somborac. The renown Serbian writer, columnist and author Voja Zanetic gives his point of view about the caricature.
The European Fund for the Balkans was represented by the alumni from the Leadership Development Programme Adnan Ovcina (Bosnia and Herzegovina) and Srdjan Hercigonja (Serbia).